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Jaw Fracture in Vani

A jaw or mandibular fracture is a serious injury that can cause significant pain and discomfort. It happens when there’s a break in the lower jawbone, often due to trauma or injury. You might not expect such incidents, but they can happen anywhere. It is important to know what to do in case of a jaw fracture and where to seek professional care.

Our experts at Smilekraft Dental Clinic are here to assist you with jaw-related concerns and treatment for jaw fractures in Vani. We provide comprehensive care to help you manage your injury effectively and return to normal life.

What is a Jaw Fracture?

A jaw fracture occurs when the lower jawbone (mandible) is cracked or broken. The mandible is essential for everyday activities like chewing, speaking, and smiling.

When it’s fractured, these basic functions can become extremely painful or difficult. Jaw fractures vary in severity, from minor cracks that heal independently to complete breaks that require surgery.

Causes of Jaw Fractures

Jaw fractures can occur due to various reasons, including:

  • Accidents: Motor vehicle accidents are a common cause of facial trauma, including jaw fractures.
  • Falls: A sudden fall can cause a direct impact to the face, leading to a fractured jaw.
  • Sports Injuries: Jaw injuries can result from contact sports such as football, boxing, or even cycling accidents.
  • Workplace Accidents: Industrial settings or construction work can expose individuals to facial injuries if proper protective gear is not used.

Symptoms of a Jaw Fracture

A fractured jaw can present with various symptoms, some of which are immediate and obvious:

  • Severe jaw pain: The most noticeable sign is pain around the jaw, especially when moving it.
  • Swelling and bruising: The area around the jaw can become soft to the touch.
  • Difficulty opening or closing the mouth: Fractures can make normal jaw movements painful or impossible.
  • Loose or missing teeth: Teeth near the fracture may become loose or dislodged.
  • Misalignment of the jaw: You may notice that your teeth don’t fit together as normally when your mouth is closed.
  • Numbness in the chin or lower lip: Damage to the nerves in the jaw can cause numbness.

If you notice any of these symptoms after a facial injury, it’s essential to seek medical attention immediately. Ignoring a jaw fracture can lead to long-term complications, such as chronic pain, infection, or difficulty with basic functions like eating and speaking.

Diagnosing a Jaw Fracture


At Smilekraft Dental Clinic, dental professionals can provide comprehensive care for those who suspect a jaw fracture. An experienced dentist will perform a physical examination, checking for signs of trauma or misalignment. Imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scans, or panoramic radiographs will be used to determine the exact location and severity of the fracture.

Treatment Options for Jaw Fractures

At Smilekraft Dental Clinic, treatment for jaw fractures varies based on severity:

  • Minor Fractures: These can be treated by keeping the jaw still with a bandage or splint. Patients are advised to eat soft or liquid foods to help with healing.
  • Jaw Wiring: For more serious fractures, the jaw may be wired shut to keep it immobile. This typically requires a restricted diet for several weeks.
  • Surgery: Severe fractures may need surgery to realign the bones using metal plates or screws, followed by a strict recovery plan.

For expert care and personalized treatment for jaw fractures, consult Smilekraft Dental Clinic.

A jaw fracture can be a traumatic experience, but with prompt treatment, full recovery is possible. If you are dealing with a jaw injury, Smilekraft Dental Clinic is ready to help. Our experienced team offers surgical and non-surgical solutions to restore your jaw’s function and bring you back to health. For more information on treatment for jaw fractures in Vani, contact our clinic.